20240918 – Masseria Madonna dell’Arco, Locorodondo, Alberobello: Long day. Left Monopoli at 10:15 and returned that night at 10:30. Was all worth it.

Some various stuff: lots of gluten free choices at restaurants; need to hydrate all the time; most olive trees never die…just regenerate from roots; dry stack fences.

Drove through area with lots of trulli buildings/houses. Many modern. Came to Masseria Modonna dell’Arco for cheesemaking demonstration, tour of the facility, and lunch. Fascinating to watch the entire process. Lunch was five hot and five cold appetizers.

Drove uphill to Locorontondo. Another white city. Walked through the old city. Super church to visit. Some slight rain, but okay. Garden had trees with crochet wrapped around trunks.

Then to Alberobello for the afternoon through supper. This is the area with the most trulli structures. It’s a UNESCO World Heritage Site. We walked through the whole village seeing various styles of buildings. Almost all are rentals with few locals actually living in them. Waited in vain for sunset, but it rained and was cloudy. Supper at 8:00 at Ristorante Trullo D’Oro for lovely time. Had a dish that was a mash of fava beans and chicory. The penne pasta had cardoncelli mushrooms.

Was 9:30 when we were all done, and 10:30 before back in hotel in Monopoli. And tomorrow is our last day in this part of the trip.

20240919 – Polignano: This is our last day for our trip in Puglia. All but five of us scatter in different directions while we go to Rome tomorrow.

In the morning, we followed Kathy on a route outside the city walls and around the harbor. Near Noon, we went b ack into the central square for lunch and gelato.

At 3:30 we left the city and went to the coast for a view of an old watch tower. It was raining. Many of us, including me, stayed on the bus. I didn’t see much of a photo opportunity to get wet!

Our major stop for the afternoon and evening was Polignano a Mare. The main attraction is the inlet from the sea and the buildings and views along the coast. Bus let us off at the train station. Was raining. Walked through town to get full view of the inlet. This was the setting of the opening of Ciao House. Took images from bridge above the inlet, then walked down to get a view from that angle. Then to various balconies to get different views of the inlet and of the coastline. Ended up getting some fleeting glimpse of color in the clouds at sunset and did see rainbow earlier.

About 7:00, we got on the bus and went a few miles down the coast for supper at Ristorante La Colonna. Was a lovely meal with lots of courses including two different pastas. One had octopus ragu; the other a melt-in-your-mouth cheese ravioli.

9:30 we headed back to Monopoli arriving at 10:00. Said goodbye to the folks who were being picked up before breakfast for transportation to Bari and their flights.

20240921 – Rome: Left hotel at 9:00 and returned about 3:30. Hard to give details about this morning. Was a long walk through the Trastevere district. This involved crossing several bridges including Ponte Sisto. Neighborhoods. Fontana dell Acqua Paola. Basilica Santa Maria Maggiore. Had lunch at nice place. Walked along the Arno and walked back to hotel.

5:30 took cab up to Giardino degli Aranci. Joined the hordes of people there to see sunset while overlooking St. Peters and Victor Emmanuelle. Were chased out of the park when it closed and too Uber back to hotel where we had a lovely supper.

20240920 – Monopoli to Rome: Up at the regular time, breakfast, packed up, put stuff outside and sat around until van arrived at 11:00. Took under an hour to reach Bari and its train station.

We were in a First Class coach. As usual, there is too little space to put large suitcases. Many lift them up onto the overhead racks. Some just sit on the aisle next to a seat. One family had a stroller folded, but on the aisle. Woman with food cart had to navigate all around such objects. Were given a box snack of a roll stuffed with speck and a cookie. Looking out the window, I noticed a pile of RR ties…all concrete. Makes sense for sure. Five-hour trip ended in Rome.

Rome’s train station was just chaos. Hundreds of people going in all directions everywhere. Met driver and van and went to hotel, Donna Camilla Savelli. This was a monastery before. Elegant in all ways. Rooms spread out all over so you have to take a specific elevator to yours.

Arrived at 6:00. Met in lobby at 7:00. Heavy traffic and it’s about 3 miles across town. Taxi took us to Colline Emiliane. Got there at 7:30. Left at 9:30. Great atmosphere, staff, food. Wanted to take taxi back, but none available due to a strike. Peggy got us a Uber and we returned to hotel.

20240922 – Rome: Today was jampacked with all sorts of sites. And we went from quiet streets to mobs and hordes in the city center. Left hotel about 9:00 and got back around 4:30.

First stop was Coppede district. Wonderful architecture. Was a planned community from the 1920s. Each building different. Big fountain in central piazza. Really nice to wander around and look.

Next stop was Villa Torlonia where Mussolini lived for 20 years. The Torlonia family lived in a very eclectic house, the Casina, at this estate. Also, lots of fake ruins on the property. Mussolini had his own bunker there which we understand was decorated. Interesting estate for sure. Time for espresso and pastry.

From a relaxed atmosphere, we were dropped near the Spanish Steps and the zillions of people everywhere. Hard to walk through the crowds. On the way to the Trevi Fountain, Alfredo took us though a high-class shopping mall, down several levels, to see the ruins of the aqueduct that feeds the fountain. Then walked to the Trevi Fountain. Another zillion people. Worked around to try to get images through the crowd. Was fun to compare this experience with the pictures I had of when Marian and I were here in 1962.

Left the mayhem and walked to Santa Maria della Pace with its Raphael frescos. Next lunch at Da Francesco for a great meal. Then several blocks to get our tickets for the Pantheon. The area in front of the Pantheon was filled with people trying to get tickets or waiting with tickets to go inside. Hard to describe in these areas just how many people there were. Got in line and went inside. I had not been inside since 1962, and then there were not these huge crowds. Walked around taking images.

Back outside, the five of us met, walked to a nearby piazza and took Uber back to hotel. At 7:00 we headed to Taverna Angelica. This is a very special restaurant with unusual food and fun menu. Really recommend this place. While we ate, Alan provided us with some art history related to our visit to the Vatican tomorrow.

Tomorrow will be our last day for this adventure.

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