20240920 – Monopoli to Rome: Up at the regular time, breakfast, packed up, put stuff outside and sat around until van arrived at 11:00. Took under an hour to reach Bari and its train station.

We were in a First Class coach. As usual, there is too little space to put large suitcases. Many lift them up onto the overhead racks. Some just sit on the aisle next to a seat. One family had a stroller folded, but on the aisle. Woman with food cart had to navigate all around such objects. Were given a box snack of a roll stuffed with speck and a cookie. Looking out the window, I noticed a pile of RR ties…all concrete. Makes sense for sure. Five-hour trip ended in Rome.

Rome’s train station was just chaos. Hundreds of people going in all directions everywhere. Met driver and van and went to hotel, Donna Camilla Savelli. This was a monastery before. Elegant in all ways. Rooms spread out all over so you have to take a specific elevator to yours.

Arrived at 6:00. Met in lobby at 7:00. Heavy traffic and it’s about 3 miles across town. Taxi took us to Colline Emiliane. Got there at 7:30. Left at 9:30. Great atmosphere, staff, food. Wanted to take taxi back, but none available due to a strike. Peggy got us a Uber and we returned to hotel.

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