20240916 – Lecce, Galatina, Gallipoli: Long day, but really good. Up at 8:00, breakfast, met some of the group in lobby and went out at 10:15 with Kathy for photo shoot. Headed to Santa Croce area for artist who carved limestone sculptures. Now, next to the cathedral is the Jewish Museum. This area was Jewish Quarter. As we walked, saw several streets with signs in both Italian and Hebrew. Ended up going to café for coffee/hot chocolate near the main square. At Noon, a very loud song was broadcast. Back to the hotel. Met about 1:30 to go to lunch. Very nice place, Gusto Liberrima. Got some gelato afterwards.

At 3:30 we all met in the lobby, walked to the bus, and went to Galatina. Interesting city with its various palaces all privately owned. Rococo style architecture. This area’s families grew tobacco as a cash crop. Also, there is a native tarantula that is not poisonous, but there is folk lore that if a girl got bitten, she was not fit for marriage. Spent time going in to the Basilica Santa Caterina and its cloisters. Beautiful places.

Back in the bus, we went to Gallipoli. We were there for sunset photos from the ancient walls overlooking a huge beach area. Nice pastel-colored buildings. Spent lots of time taking images as the Sun went down and colors changed. All walked to a restaurant along the water for a multi-course fish dinner. I don’t think I have ever had so many courses that included mussels. Same with calamari. Plate after plate of food. Whole group of local men came in for the table next to us. Lots of fun and laughter.

Back to Lecce getting here around 10:30. Brief stop for gelato (I could not finish mine). Now it’s getting things wrapped up so we can leave tomorrow AM for Monopoli. Stops before we get there.

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