20240914 – Matera to Lecce: Up at regular time. Same with breakfast. Had luggage outside my door before going down. Left in shuttle about 9:00. At van, used Find My to make sure my suitcase was loaded in the back. Got in main van and headed out. Pass though area of vineyards. Some of the vines were covered by netting and some by plastic to deal with different grapes, areas, and weather. And I have to note that the plastic water bottles we get have caps that unscrew, but are still attached to the bottle instead coming off.

Got to Grottaglieabout 11:00. This town is known for its ceramics (terracotta). Beautiful works in several shops. Spent about an hour-and-a-half walking around. Learned quite a bit about some traditions dealing with certain pieces. Here and elsewhere, we have seen clay drainpipes…sections held onto the wall every few pieces by metal.

Left that city and drove to Altemura vineyards arriving about 2:30 for wonderful lunch of what seemed like dozens of antipasto dishes along with tasting of five of their wines. Then tour of vineyards and barrel room before heading to Lecce, our stop for three nights.

Drove to Lecce getting there close to 5:00. I am in room 307 of the Risorgimento Resort. Lovely hotel and nice room. Did some downloading. Met group in lobby at 6:30 and walked around the city with Lucia learning about it. Around 8:00, a few of us went to a gelateria where I had a panini and some gelato. Then back to hotel for this set of notes, Facetime with Marian, laundry, shower, bed.

Tomorrow meet in lobby at 9:00 for drive to coast.

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