20231113 Sahara: Had a reasonable night. Got up at 6:30, dressed, and was out on the dunes at 7:00 for sunrise at 7:20. People on camels way up on high dunes from other kasbahs to watch sunrise. Light was slow coming and where it hit on different dunes since there is a series of very high dunes to the east of us. Much more subtle images than the sunset last night. Stay out there until near 8:00.
Breakfast and then, at 9:30, our nose-to-butt camel ride on the dunes. It was fun. All had a good time. Two groups with leader walking in front leading first camel. Ron had his handler take him away from us so he could capture each of us in images. Last almost an hour and worth it. The hardest part is when the camel gets its feet (back legs up followed by front legs) and when it settles again after the ride (front end down followed by back end). I was properly attired in my dead covering to look “authentic.” Ha.
Very shortly after we finished, we grabbed our gear and headed out about 20km to Sudani Khamlea. The village is inhabited by dark-skinned Moroccan people. I think many might be from Berber background. They are very musical and put on music and dance for tourists to support their village. Very gracious and fun. Lots of good images of faces, hand, dancing.
Back to the hotel for about an hour before 1:00 lunch by the pool. Ron was nice enough to sit with me at my separate table. Great conversations. Loved getting to know him better. Then free time really until 7:30 supper. Some are going at 4:30 for four-wheeled drive into the dunes to more pristine areas that don’t have tire tracks, footprints, etc. as we do here near the hotel. Sounds like it’s a 20-minute drive to a location, 20 minutes there to shoot, another 15-20 to another location, another 20 minutes there, and then hightail back before it gets dark. I passed.
Just stayed near the hotel for the afternoon. Had a wonderful conversation with Claudia Teitelbaum. Lots of trading of stories and history. Walked out on the dunes about 5:30 and stayed until after 6:30. Was cloudy. Thus, no real dunes images. But it ended up that the sunset was spectacular in colors and breadth. Out in the open like this, you can see it across the full horizon. Nice!
Dinner was at 7:30. Buffet like last night. Ron sat with me again, which I appreciate. Back to the room to do this. Leaving tomorrow for Fes. It’s an all-day drive, the longest on the trip, with only stops for restrooms and lunch. Even if I cannot get good rest tonight, I will have all day to doze on the bus.