20220421 STL to ATL to BCN: Been a long and eventful day so far and, as I am writing this, we are about 6 hours from Barcelona. It started off this morning with calling the vet about Sabrina. She had been in there a couple of days ago since she was just not herself. Liver enzymes elevated. But she was worse today and we arranged for Barb to take her in.
Left the house about (:30 and met Jeff at the airport at 10:00. Spent some time getting fully registered into Clear. Added jeff to my plan. Then sat around given our flight was not to depart until about 1:00. Had lunch at a Bud Brewhouse and then got on plane and went to Atlanta. While we were sitting and waiting, there was a man walking briskly in circles all around the seating area talking loudly and gesticulating while he talked on his mobile phone. Many of us had a good time laughing at him.
In Atlanta we had a long walk from our gate and terminal to the underground train to our departure terminal. Got a telephone update from the vet. Sabrina spent the day there getting fluids forced to try to clear her liver. Will go back tomorrow, too. There we went into the Delta Sky Club for a couple of hours. Nice expresso machine. While there, I got a message from our neighbor that he had to shut off our sprinkler system since one of the heads (luckily right by his house) was leaking lots of water. So, I contacted the sprinkler company who had just opened the system for the summer (and checked it out?) yesterday. Hopefully they will come out tomorrow and I warned them about steering clear of our fiber optic cable which is right by the affected head.
Our flight was supposed to depart at 6:10, but the plane had come in late and, with current cleaning and disinfecting protocols, it took lots of time to get it fully ready for us. Was after 7:30 that we finally did get airborne. Huge and very nice supper. And they have it that we can message from the plane for no cost.
Masks. Us, yes. Others not quite so much. Even on this international flight, masks are optional. So, I am keeping mine on except when drinking or eating…even between courses at supper. The crew that serves us have masks and gloves. The ones not on meal service do not.
Also, before we took off, heard lots of people talking about the Spain health QR code we all need. Some folks had not done it until too late to get the code (needed to do it at least 48 hours before arrival). So, lots of chatter about this.