2011 was a turning point for me in photography and travel. I have been a photographer since about 1950. When I travelled to Venice with our son, Jeff, on a photo excursion led by Stewart Halpern, it was the first adventure with a DSLR (replacing my several Canon G-series cameras from 2001 onward when I had switched from analog to digital), it was the first trip shooting in RAW and post-processing in Lightroom, my first of what followed in the years to come – a trip basically dedicated to photography, and the first of other trips I took led by Stewart … and some led by Jeff.
Now, in 2020, I’m on my third DSLR body, have several lenses as compared to a single one in 2011, Lightroom has progressed quite a bit in the ensuing years, and my post-processing skills have also increased. And, since I’ve been on several photo workshop/excursions over these years, my perception of what to include in shared collections/albums has matured as well.
Back in 2011, I put several albums up for sharing on Flickr. Here is the link to that collection. Recently, I decided to go back and look at all my original images again. I didn’t want to edit the ones I had already posted, even though some could have used updating. Instead, I wanted to find images I had not included nine years ago that I would have if I had curated and post-processed the whole set today.
Thus, here are over 200 new images to share … all from that 2011 Venice trip.