The following is in the current email newsletter of the St. Louis Writers Guild:
ANNOUNCING… 2006 GUILD MEMBERS OF DISTINCTION! The St. Louis Writers Guild benefits tremendously from the generous assistance of its members. The Guild has established a formal, annual Member Recognitions program, effective December 2005, to identify the many ways that a member can serve the Guild and recognize members whose contributions are significant. Details of the program are available on our Members Only page and on our Discussion Board. See the current listing of our eighty-six 2005 Significant Contributors, which include 14 members who were recognized by the Board “for going well beyond the level of significance in their contributions.” Following are our 2006 MEMBERS OF DISTINCTION: JULIA GORDON-BRAMER, PEGGY HALDEMAN, MAURICE L. (BUD) HIRSCH, DOREEN HULSEY, JEFF MAY, CONNIE MCINTYRE, MARY MENKE, JUD MINER, DAVID MOTHERWELL, DONNA SPRINGER, ROBIN THEISS, and THELMA URICH.
Fun, huh?