20230915 Getting Prepared: Have made arrangements with guide in Casablanca for a half-day Jewish heritage tour. Three others from the trip will join me.

Made a hotel reservation by STL airport for 11/3. Have 7:15AM flight and don’t want to be worried about getting there by 5:45. So, will use hotel shuttle.

Strabo sent an update on the situation in Morocco given the massive earthquake. Seems as if it’s all okay for where we are going.

Got final packet from Strabo a couple of days ago. I have been updating lists for meds and what to pack as things occur to me. Went to my trip drawer and pulled out all the packets of meds, wipes, sanitizers, etc. for an inventory. Made a list of what to get next time I am at Walgreens. Threw away some items like sunscreen with expiration date of 2016. Decided to get a new first aid kit since present one is several years old and things dry out. Will save items like Band-Aids from the old one since they’re still good.

As a first, Strabo suggests covers for camera gear and luggage in case there is a sand storm. And I do have a waterproof point-and-shoot to use in case as well. Checked with Delta to see if there were changes in itinerary. All seems good.

Did Word doc to send to family that includes contact information and hotel links and phone numbers. Also, will include itinerary summary.

20231012 Less Than a Month Away: It’s just days after Hamas invaded Israel and committed atrocities there. I wrote to our Casablanca guide to get his input on what is going on there and about any safety issues he might have. So far, he says things are normal, but would let us know if they change. While I think about packing and gear and travel, I am consumed as all of us are with Israel and these attacks.

20231022 Warnings: Of course, we are all worried about the horrible situation in Israel and threats to expand the conflict. This affects how we think about the Morocco trip. Strabo’s people on the ground are keeping us informed as to any changes in the situation that would preclude our coming there. So, we listen and wait and hope.

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