20220916 Telc-Moravian Countryside-Kyjov: Had a good night’s sleep. Up at 7:30, breakfast, and we left Cesky Krumlov at 9:00 for a long drive ending at 7:00 in Kyjov. It was a long day given how much road time was needed to get to our destinations.

After a couple of hours, we got to Telc with its large and picturesque central square. Lots of colors and shapes…and gelato. Spent about an hour wandering in the square taking images. From there, we went nearby for lunch at Restaurace Na Kocande near Telc.

Then a very long drive with lots of traffic due to accidents into the Moravian countryside and the town of Cejkovice and its surroundings. Went to a winery and were then joined by a local photographer who took us up into the hills to vineyards and views over what is called Moravian Tuscany with its rolling terrain and colors. While the light was pretty flat (cloudy), we did get some good shots at four different sites.

Was about 7:30 when we rolled into Kyjov and Hotel Kyjovsky Pivovar where I am in room 204. Left at 8:00 to go nearby for a pizza at U Martina leaving there about 9:30.

Leave here tomorrow at 9:00 to head to Bratislava and then on to Budapest.

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