Aug 23 2012 I’m worn out by all the blather on TV that masquerades as advertising for various candidates. How the other person is a doofus and has done all sorts of things reigns the airwaves. No matter if the truth, whatever that is, has been genetically modified to suit the video rant. It’s not what a candidate stands for. It’s what his/her opponent stands for even if that’s been distorted and out of context.

There are, to be sure, some reality being projected. The whole brouhaha around Todd Akin is one where video/audio doesn’t lie. Then there is the obfuscation by his own party pretending that they repudiate Akins’ words. Yes, parsing, they don’t like the stupid statement about raped women being able to “shut down” and not get pregnant. But about abortion even in the event of rape? About redefining what rape is? Just read that party’s platform.

But I digress. I am worn out from all this nonsense. When ads from either party come on, I mute them or change channels. I’ve been inundated all summer with the Missouri primary and now we’re into the general election. Billions are being spent to spew negative vibes into the air, to vilify, to distort. If this election (either locally or nationally) is determined by this set of crud on TV, we’re in a very sad place as a country.

We’re in an election of not what I’m for and what I will do. It’s what the other person supposedly is for and what he/she will do. Tired of it all. Tuning out.

Oh, Todd, please stay in the race. It’s about the only entertainment that’s out there.

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